Monday, March 18, 2013

Well THAT was useless!

Let's just put it this way... our day started like THIS!
Alright- time to rewind. Heather, one of my sweetest best friends and I thought it would be a GREAT idea to take the kids to the Arboretum to take some pictures with the amazing flowers. We use to bring the kids to the mall and the Arboretum more regularly together when we lived closer, so it was  a sweet treat. We had 4 kids under the age of 3 and thought we could have them sit still for pictures. HAHA! What the heck were we drinking? Bridgette, the 3 year old, may be the only one that sat still for more than 10 seconds at a time.

As seen above Tyler was NOT into this whole thing.. lets see EXHIBIT B
I don't know whose face I love more? Ethan's "GET ME THE HELL UT OF HERE! ARE WE FINISHED YET?!?!" face or Tyler's "PUT ME BACK IN THE DARN STROLLER! NOW!" face.
Heather got a few of her kids but we got NONE in the flowers. I mean really- what were we thinking? I love our friendship though and I love the sweet freindship between these 4 kiddos. We will see how our pictures from next year look.... with 4 under 4!
Ethan loved smelling the flowers- And I HATE that pacifier- I am hoping to break him of this little habit this summer.
Their favorite part of the whole day- looking at ducks... of course!
Heather snapped this classic- I LOVE little boys. I mean really. Cars socks, hair all over the place, scraped up knees.. nothing better ever.
And of course my sweet blue eyed wonder. He is certainly every bit of 8 months. He is suddenly wanting t be held all the time and lets you know when he's not! Luckily that day he was happy just being in the stroller... ONLY in the stroller.

The only good picture in the flowers! I guess I should have had girls to get good pictures.
And just for laughs... one more to go...