Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Proverbs 22:6

Right now Bryan and I are passionate about one big thing- RAISING OUR KIDS TO LOVE JESUS! Easier said than done. I have been a childrens minister for years. I understand how we can do it when the boys can have converstations with me. Heck I have had good conversations and seen the relationship that 3 year olds can have with the Lord.
But how can we be INTENTIONAL about our teaching our kids about Christ, to raise boys who long to have a relationship with Jesus, when they are 1 and 2?
reading the bible to a moving toddlers... not easy! =)
There are some "easy" anwers.
Go to Church- we are making sure that the boys know that we are a family that worships together. We attend church on Sundays and make the church a comfortable place for them. Luckily our church has a great playplace that we can play in during the week too to help the boys realize that they can make this their second home.
Pray together- Before the bed the boys and I pray together. Its sweet to see Ethan bow his head and do "prayer hands" I am anxious for him to get a little older to tell God himself what he is thankful for. We need to get better and praying before meals.
Read- Ethan loves finding Jesus and Noah in his children Bible. We have Bible in every room and I love watching how excited he gets to read it. His favorite book right now is All Afloat on Noah's Boat
 I read somewhere that said "ask your kids what they think your passions are, if they don't say God in there then its time to reassess." So we are working to make sure our kids know what our passions are. How do we do that? We are back in the word. We found some amazing verses to help us...
Deutermony 6:7
Psalm 127:3-5
2 Timothy 3:14-16
and of course
Train up a Child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Prov 22:6
We are going to mess up- we do on a regular basis. But I dont care if my kids are top of their class, I dont care of they are popular, I don't care if they make the best team- I care that they know and love Jesus. And it's OUR JOB to make that happen. Oh God help me!! =

1 comment:

Random Thoughts by Jewels said...

This is a great reminder! I love the part about asking them if they know what our passions are. At 7, Garrison is probably a good judge of this. My fear is that he will answer with something like, "The Bachelor". :)