Friday, July 1, 2011

New Routine

Having a premie is difficult when it comes to deciding the timing of things. What an "average 3 month old" is now necessarily where E is. Nor does he fit all the 1 month (his adjusted age) milestones. However, for my OWN sanity I decided we would try a night time routine (since we have no symblance of one during the day) and its actually worked BEAUTIFULLY! It has been a lot of change of the little guy to go to formula, his own room/crib, and my return to work.. so i think a routine settles both of us down at the end of the day.

We start with a bath. I am sure he will be half fish like his daddy. He could be in there till his fingers and toes are wrinkely. =0)

Then diaper and pjs (this boy will NOT be swaddled so its footsie pjs!!), its time for a bottle. YUM!

And then when he is beginning his milk coma- we read Goodnight Moon.. my favorite!

And then night night with a kiss and lights out. He will sleep 4-5 hours for the first stretch...

and then 3 hours for the next one. At about 5am when i am SO NOT READY to be up for the day, and since daddy is gone, he comes in bed with me and the puppies... I have to admit its my favorite 2 hours (if i am lucky) of the day!

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