Friday, April 15, 2011

Taking A Day At A Time

If I have learned one huge lesson throughout the last 5+ weeks of bedrest/hospital stay/NICU experience its that there may be blessings of planning ahead, but honestly all we have is today. God has called us to often times simply be in the moment, take a day a time, and if I dare sound like a high school english teacher- carpe diem. There is simply nothing else we can do but to be here...

So FOR TODAY its a good day. Yesterday Bryan and I had a fabulous day with Ethan. Here are some pictures from our mini love fest.

We prayed for Ethan to learn how to swallow and eat.. and now, after having those prayers answered we are now praying that he learns to eat slow. His new trick is to eat too quickly. That would be fine for a normakl 14 year old boy (sign of whats to come for sure), but for a premie it causes him to have eating apneas (stops breathing, hearts slow down, goes limp) and choking. So we are constantly watching him REALLY carefully as he eats and for minutes afterwards, and are trying to learn new skills in feeding him slowly. In fact the ocupational therapist is coming in this afternoon to teach us new tricks to get him to eat SLOWLY!!

Also this week Ethan reached FIVE POUNDS!! Still a little winzer but he is growing! The sweet nurses made this sign for him. Every ounce counts at the NICU!! in the meantime check out those HUGE feet!!

I am in late in this post- but we had a baby shower for Ethan with my sweet jr high and sr high girls Sunday. It was such a precious treat to share this time with them. It has been these girls that have prayed with me the last 3 years as we have lost pregnancys, prayed for pregnancy, and this entire pregnancy. What a special treat to celebrate with Ethan's little prayer warriors.

1 comment:

bloem family said...

Oh my goodness Sarah! That first picture of him is absolutely adorable! He's so sweet and handsome!!