Wednesday, October 22, 2008

God's Faithfulness.. in the midst of my uncertainty

Well I have been a mess about Bryan's promotion. ALthough my words say that I trust in God's faithfulness, sometimes my heart wants to (and does) take back the reigns and take charge of the situation when I dont feel He is working fast enough. But- once again He is proven Soverign and Faithful. We have been praying for healing for Bryans back (check), a safe return to work (check), and now his promotion (check). He aced his managment test and will be having his board interviews soon for fulltime UPS manager. Better yet- it sounds like we will be able to stay in the DFW area! So many blessings- although undeserved I am beyond thankful. And thankful for a husband who points out to me that it's not of our doing, but of Gods!!

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