Thursday, June 14, 2012

the P word

This picture is from the day after Ethan was born. The effects of Preeclampsia are evedent in both of us. It made me hold a ridiculous amount of water, go into labor 8 weeks early and have Ethan in the NICU learning to breathe and swallow on his own for 5 weeks. We were told after E was born that there was no telling if it would happen again. Everything was a 50/50 chance. This go around though I was it better shape than I ever had been and feeling great. We thought we avoided the dreaded P when we reached the 32 week mark. But, IT'S BACK! My kidneys are deciding to not work as best as they could and my BP is slowly hiking. So, looks like Tyler will be making his way early like his brother- just not as early I am praying. Each day he stays in is one more day he doesnt have to stay in the NICU. Right now I am on "house arrest." The goal is to never have me on my feet more than 5 minutes at a time. This should be very interesting with a 15 month old. =) As much as this stinks however, I would rather be home snuggeling with my kiddo than on hospital bedrest. Send some prayers our way that we can keep sweet Tyler in as long as we can!

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