Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Me: 2013 sucked. But 2014 is the year of the Head... I just know it.
Bryan: No. It's the year of the Lord.
Me: Okay cheese ball.. and I will rejoice in it, but I just know this is our year. 
Bryan: That's what we have said last year and look where it brought us. Let's just surrender this one to God and see what happens. 


I have complained a lot in 2013. Needless to say this has been our Exodus year at the Head house. It's been a year of struggle, of questions, or God's soft whispers.. overall a year in the desert. I was speaking with a friend today, and realizing that most of what I talk about with my girlfriends lately is complaints.

When my heart is stressed and anxious, I stray away from thanking God. Heck, I often stray away from thinking about God. It's certainly NOT as God intended and certainly not what I want.. My goal for 2014 is a year of revival. We need God to come uproot our anxiety and stuck hearts and turn our world upside down. But I have to do my part too. And my part is to have my eyes open to what He's doing NOW- amongst the chaos. I lose the daily blessings when I am stuck focusing on the yearly plan.

So here are some of my favorite daily blessings from 2013...

A dad that LOVES our boys and these 2 that worship their dad. 

A BOUNCE HOUSE! The best investment ever. And all the ample hours the boy sand I spent just wasting time and making memories. 

And this cheesy grin. 

First Birthday Parties

Piles of Leaves- LOADS of piles of leaves

Vacations at the beach

and pizza nights, and playdates, and learning, and a church the boys love to go to, and a Bible study filled with women who challenge me, and parents who watch my boys and love them more than I ever thought possible, and endless trips to the park, and a school that the boys LOVE... 

Maybe 2013 wasn't that bad at all. 

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