Sunday, October 6, 2013

Super Hero Squad

First, I have an addition from last week's blog. This is AMAZING!!! After the initial envelope of generosity, I received 2 job opportunities and a gift card for groceries from an anonymous friend. WHAT?!?! Once again, I am not tooting my own horn- I already didn't get one of the jobs, and with two little boys with teenage appetites, the grocery money is mostly spend. It has been a HUGE blessing and reminder of our loving God~~ HUGE BLESSING!!!

Alright- And on to the fun ridiculousness of the Head house. Look at these sweet boys? This is my morning routine lately. Apple juice, crayons and stickers. It's just about the only 30 minutes of the day they aren't going at each other!

And then we have costumes- oh costumes. When Ethan started getting into superheros I wasn't sure I liked it. I don't like the roughness, I don't like the weapons.. I suppose I wanted them to sit down to fairy tales and Dr Seuss and want to play chess. I don't know- just not superheros.
But I have had more conversations about Jesus using Super Hero's than I expected. Conversations about
- Is Jesus in the Super Hero Squad?
- What's His Super Power?
-So, where does Jesus live?

We talk about how we don't need to fear when Wolverine is around, because he scares off the bad guys. Which always leads us to talk about how we need to NEVER FEAR anything because GOD IS BIGGER THAN HULK!! (which always bring a look of complete surprise to a 2 year olds face)

And then there's this cute little one... who just likes to do whatever his brother likes.

1 comment:

Random Thoughts by Jewels said...

SO cute! Boys are so much fun aren't they?!