Friday, October 25, 2013

Beach in October? YES PLEASE!!! (Round 1)

There is no other place I would place I would rather be in the fall than the beach. The water is still cool enough to swim, the beaches aren't crowded, and its cool enough for early morning walks with jackets in the morning.  So the 4 of us spend a week in South Padre thanks to my sweet friend who let us stay in her amazing beach home. WHAT A GIFT. We haven't been on vacation since before Tyler was born, and that was only a weekend away. With job hunts and a house hunt we needed a BREAK.

Now traveling with a 1 & 2 year old should not be called "vacation"... it's not horrible, but it's not vacation. It is simply living somewhere else with the excuse to eat a ridiculous of fast food and ice cream.

We honesty spent a lot of time thinking "okay, what can we do where there won't be a meltdown?" which led to several episodes of Clifford and Sid the Science Kid. And as seen several snacks outside on the patio with apparently some deep conversations.

The boys LOVE the beach, which we hope to make a yearly tradition. It didn't take them long to have NO FEAR and run into the ocean. However, that sparked A LOT OF FEAR in mommy.

I know Daddy's don't get a lot of photo time, so it was my joy to capture these priceless father son moments. Too cute.

And poor Tyler. He is cutting 4 teeth- perfect timing. And so we had a meltdown like this several times a day... and by several I mean 20-30.

I love Padre because they have so much other stuff to do than the beach. We spend a lot of time at the local park, the zoo, the Walmart (hours of entertainment), the Turtle Rescue. LOVE THIS PLACE


1 comment:

Random Thoughts by Jewels said...

How fun! I've never thought of going to the beach in the fall. I wish I would have thought of that before Garrison was in school. So glad y'all got a nice get a way!