Thursday, March 12, 2009

Good Intentions Always Seem to Get in the Way

On the day that we got married, Bryan and I swore before God and our families that we would stand side-by-side for the rest of our lives. In good times and in bad, I would be holding his hand and do all in my part to continue to put God in the center of our relationship....

But I don't know about the rest of you, but sometimes life gets in the way and our best intentions lead us astray. I have a job that I adore, but is a "tad" demanding on my time and energy. It makes me upset just thinking of it, but I have allowed my job and ministry stray me away from my time with my adorable husband. He has sat back, been my biggest cheerleader, volunteered to help me, and many a day had to spend time alone because of my strange hours.

When I think about it, Jesus ministry was ALL relationships. It was in the intimacy that He created with others that He really did the "real" work. If I do nothing else in life- I want to be a good wife. I want to be a wife who put her family first and did everything in her power to encourage her husband. I must change my lifestyle to do that.

I love you Bryan. We certainly have already had our fair share of "for worse..." ... may 2009 be the year of the Head and bring us far more "for betters!"

1 comment:

Big Bryan said...

As long as I wake up with you by my side that day is always for better never worse. I love you my sweet, amazinly beautiful wife.