Thursday, June 5, 2014

Last Day of MDO

Last week was our last week of Preschool. Let me say, AGAIN, how blessed I feel to be teaching where the boys go. There are many a day when I get to simply sneak into their rooms and give them a kiss, play with them on the playground or go in for a hug if they are having  a tough day. Not only that their school is AMAZING! The boys are loving learning, playing, and come home with a new best friend daily. God was so good when he brought us all 3 there. 

Alright- excuse my ridiculous "every mom does this blog" moment. 

The boys on September 1st on their first day. 

And on our last day. 

When you see them every day I think you forget how much they have grown up in just a few short months.

They have officially switched over to "typical brothers" I think. They SO QUICKLY go from beating each-other up , to hugging each-other, to tattle tailing, to singing Jesus Loves Me in rounds. I love every minute. I LOVE being a boy mom. I love dirt pies, climbing trees, playing ninja and superheros, jumping into pillows, and playing pirate ships.

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