The last week Bryan has been my rock. The emergency C-section came out of nowhere and he helped me through with grace and humor. Since then it has been him who handled guests, visited Ethan in the NICU every hour, took care of my needs, communicated with the nurses and doctors, and even helped me with work. Since I got home he has taken care of all the home chores and has been my driver back and forth to the NICU.

Bryan talks to Ethan constantly when he's there. I can tell that these two are going to have their own special language that I am going to not be part of. I have never seen so much love in anyones eyes than a father's love for his son... and Ethan always wakes right up when he hears Bryans voice and follows the voice until he sees him.

Each time we go up to the NICU Bryan is always very sweet about saying "you hold him.. he needs you." But I reminded him he also needs his daddy... so while I was out Bryan snuck a chance to hold sweet E. For 20 minutes the two of them just sat as Bryan talked to him about who knows what. Can't wait to watch this relationship grow and flurish for years to come.
I am in love with my boys. Didn't know I could love Bryan anymore than I already did-but I do more and more every day. Didnt know there would enough love for such a small baby- but I am in love with boy my boys.
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