Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Teachers

Lately I have been suprised of who God has used to teach me more about Him... its been my sweet husband who is just now finding out and learning about the Lord and the little kids at church.

During Sunday School I gather all the kids together and have them act out the Bible Story. I figure it works on two counts... they can get out their skirms and they may just learn something by doing it. Last week was Cain and Abel... yea how do you teach 3 year olds that a brother killed his brother. Well of course the most dramatic boys got up to act it out and the death sceen was something from a horrible silent film. Once the story was over I asked if anyone had questions. One of the 4 year olds asked why he would do that.. "its always better to just talk to someone.." "why wouldnt God come in and save Abel?" Good Questions... what happens as adults that we stop asking questions... we pretend we know it all and that we have it all figured out. No wonder Jesus asked us to come to Him like children. With selfless abandon they run to him and pull out their quetions about EVERYTHING! Why shouldn't we... when we stop asking questions we stop believing in the mystery of it all..

Bryan has taught me more about unconditional love than anyone ever has. For someone who is just beginning to grasp the intensity of the Lord's Love he certainly knows how to give it. Maybe he knows more about Him than he is letting on. Bryan has shown undying support and love reguardless of my days... in the midst of intense struggle, depression, and joy (sometimes all within an hour) he has not wavered. He is the same no matter how I am.

I wonder who else God will use to teach me about himself... today I chose to be open to whoever or whatever that is!

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